I have been doing professional computer repair for over twenty years. During this time I have gained little experience and, as a consequence, for me there are almost no unsolvable problems. Where it takes a long time for an inexperienced handyman to make a repair, search for information or any other work that is new to him, it takes me a minimum of time. And since a craftsman's time is the client's money - You save!
An approach to repair:
.- Individual approach to the customer.
- Flexible pricing.
- Free advice and help via telephone or internet for regular customers
- No fees in case of repairs not made
- No charge for repairs.Free diagnosis.
- Maximum time and guaranteed work .
- Copying and saving the customer's data and transferring it to the newly installed operating system.
- Recovering your documents, photos, home videos, and anything else you've lost after virus attacks, hardware malfunctions, and other instances.
- Software updates are possible offline.
- Works with most operating systems currently in use
- Customizable selection of completely free software for your needs
- Customizable solutions for all PC uses
- Modernize and optimize your PC components to maximize performance.
- Assembly of your PC, tailored to your needs and desires.
Diagnostics is the most difficult part of the repair, which requires more professionalism from the specialist than fixing the problem itself. For this reason, professional computer repair is primarily about diagnosing and identifying current problems related to software failures or electronic computer internals. In some cases, diagnosis allows you to prevent more serious problems that can lead to data loss or costly replacement of components. Identify the exact cause of the breakdown, rather than just fixing the current problem. Because software does not fail on its own, for no reason. It is always preceded either by a technical malfunction of the electronics or an unintended influence of a third-party source on the program files, be it viruses or erroneous actions of the device's user. In either case, before fixing the problem at hand, you should first make sure there is nothing else causing it.
Any computer can at some point stop being productive enough to keep the user happy with the speed and timing of tasks. And there can be several problems. The most recurring is poor cooling of the device's components. As a rule, it is solved by maintenance, that is, cleaning or replacing the cooling system. The next variant of problems are software and hardware failures. They require diagnosis and troubleshooting. But on top of that, and quite logical case of loss of performance is the simple obsolescence of equipment. Every year newer versions of software come out and they require more productive computer hardware, while, alas, not always being better and more functional. Marketing rules the world and we, like it or not, must keep up with the times. And so the time comes to upgrade your device. It does not make sense to buy a new computer every year. Most often, it is enough to make a competent upgrade and you can work for a long time with the same features as when you buy a new device. With a professional, competent upgrade you get a computer with modern performance at a more justifiable price.
Assembling a computer is not as easy as it first appears. There are many not-so-obvious factors that go into making a quality and stable computer, from the selection of the right components to the proper placement of fans and wiring. Many years of experience and expertise allow me to assemble well-balanced computers that are ideally suited to the previously agreed tasks. Due to strictly organized process and competent approach all works are done in time and with high quality. The following is carried out:
- Component selection and checking;
Assembling of the device;
- Performing stability testing of the assembled computer (memory, storage media, video adapter, stress testing of the whole system under unusually high load);
Installation and setup of the operating system (Windows family, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Freebsd, OS/2 and others);
Installation and setup of any additional software (3rd edition). - Installation of any additional software (It's possible to choose the complete set for free);Installation of any additional software (It's possible to choose the complete set for free).
As a rule, almost any device that is installed in a computer has a controller inside that is controlled by its own program. And this program is written in the ROM of the device. Almost always, this program, after some time, needs to be updated to patch up the bugs and errors of the old version, or to expand the capabilities. Most often it concerns the motherboard, but in some cases you need to update the HDD, SSD, network card and other equipment. Since an error in this process can cause a failure leading to further inoperability of that device, it is best to have a qualified update performed. This will eliminate any unforeseen problems and deliver only the expected results. In repair and maintenance - this service is part of the repair process and will always be performed unless there are factors that prevent it from being done.
Everybody is faced with choosing software on a new computer or replacing software, sometimes not cheap, to perform certain tasks. Choosing a desktop environment is not easy, especially if you have no experience with it, and there is no prerequisite. Most people use Windows and the standard set of programs. But on top of that, without any problems, all paid programs can be replaced with free ones with the same features. The only problem is the specialized programs that are written specifically for the task, the operating system and the hardware. Everything else can be replaced. If you have no particular preference, it is possible to find or replace the software for you, based on your occupation or use of the computer.